

the girl in the café

Facts and/or fiction.

Reality inspires fiction, it is always so. In 'the girl in the café' this connection goes a bit further than usual. The G8 and the UN's Millenium Goals are there. What caught my attention wasn't the entertainment value of the film, which isn't particularly great, but the way it presents itself as a film meant to inspire people to act, taking a present real-life example. It highlights the possible impact of individual action, if even with quite a naive touch...

If you go to the film's site you'll find a link to the Global Campaign Against Poverty, which also aims at attaining the other Millenium Goals. This is global action in the real sense of the word, and much in the spirit of the girl in the café.

Under the umbrella of CCAP, a great number of national campaigns are developed: the ONE campaign in the US, Make Poverty History in the UK (go London!), 2005: plus d’excuses! in France (Catherine et Ana), Pobreza Cero and Sin Excusas 2015 in Spain (amigos españoles, arquitectos y emigrantes lol! - Venezuela aún no tiene campaña...), De Tijd Lopt from the Nederlands-speaking NGO's (I tried to be Nederlands speaking but never quite got there, so this is for friends in Holland!) and Des paroles aux Actes in French-speaking Belgium (Inês 2), Hottokenai, Sekai no Mazushisain (for my Japanese fans), a Chamada Global para a Acção contra a Pobreza in Brazil (primos aí longe!), Sangoco in South Africa, and since this Summer, Pobreza Zero in Portugal (!!!). There are many more but I'm going to stop now.


Blogger Barros said...

Foste bem ao fundo da questão e acho que transcendeste bastante o próprio filme...ele a mim apenas me serviu para dormir um bocadinho...essas coisas do amor com politicas...

8:57 pm  
Blogger Carpinteiro said...

Lol! Pois não disse que era uma grande fonte de entretenimento! Mas estava na tua selecção! Obrigada! ;p

9:28 pm  

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